Musee de Louvre - Paris There will be an answer Let it be...
mercoledì 14 novembre 2012
Venezia - Euro Trip
On last August, I had a Euro Trip -on my own. As I promise, I would share the pictures during my trip. Venezia (Venice), Italy is the...
giovedì 8 novembre 2012

Hidup telah memutar lagi jalanku, Entah akan kemana...
giovedì 1 novembre 2012
il Gelato
Pistacchio and Gianduia flavors
Duomo Milano
Duomo in summer time
domenica 28 ottobre 2012
Late Afternoon
Do what you enjoy the most... making a big bubble, or walking in the park at late afternoon, enjoy your own world, and let...
It's almost a month since I left Torino. Sometimes, I still feel missing that beautiful city. I miss my life when I was there. Howe...
venerdì 28 settembre 2012
On 18th September 2012, I graduated from 2nd level Specializing Master Automatica & Control Technologies of Politecnico di Torino. ...
venerdì 21 settembre 2012

The last night in Turin
mercoledì 5 settembre 2012
Swan at Zurich lake Is it allowed to be proud of ourselves? Because I feel it now.
venerdì 31 agosto 2012
The Office
Buon giorno,, It's been a while I haven't posted any picture. I have a lot of pictures from my Euro trip. For myself, I even ha...
venerdì 24 agosto 2012
Ketika hidup
Ketika hidup membawamu ke arah yang tanpa kau ketahui Apa yang kau rasa? Gundah tentunya Resah pastinya Kepastian tak kunjung datang ...
lunedì 6 agosto 2012
It's nearly end....
Kurang dari 2 bulan lagi hidup di sini. Banyak sekali cerita, tawa, tangis air mata, sepi, dan berbagai pengalaman lainnya yang kudapa...
sabato 28 luglio 2012
Herculaneum excavation - Scavi di Ercolano
Scavi di Ercolano Located in Napoli, Italia. A buried city, along with Pompeii, caused by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius at AD 79....
Napoli, Italia
giovedì 26 luglio 2012
Museo Automobile
Museo Automobile Torino building The collections range from early ages of cars to future cars of European car manufactures. The bui...
giovedì 19 luglio 2012
Basilica Superga
Basilica Superga is a church in Superga hill. There is a tomb of Savoia's King inside it. Superga is a famous place to visit in Tu...
domenica 8 luglio 2012
Museo Egizio - Egypt Museum
Sphinx Reflection never lies. ciao ciao, -ems-
sabato 7 luglio 2012
Fontana di Trevi
The feeling to come back to the good memories, leads us to sacrifice anything.
venerdì 6 luglio 2012
Roman Forum District
Though you think that you don't have anything left, at last you will find that there is a thing left. You still have a HO...
giovedì 5 luglio 2012

Ciao, Now, I join Bloglovin. So, Follow my blog with Bloglovin Grazie. ciao ciao, -ems-
Il Colosseo - The Colosseum
Inside Colosseum Once a thing happened, we could not cancel it. That's what we call HISTORY. ciao ciao, -ems-
mercoledì 4 luglio 2012
Full Tram
Full tram to Piazza Vittorio, Torino. They were going to support Italia in Final match of Euro 2012 Supporting means throw...
Torino, Italia
domenica 1 luglio 2012
Centro Pisa
Life is about an option You can choose to walk calmly, while seeing others from behind You can choose to ride a bike, to ...
L'incrocio - The Intersection
L'incrocio,, All of us must ever been in the intersection Many people meet accidentally in the intersection Many di...
Firenze, Italia
Portraits of Florence
Firenze is one of the most visited city in Italy after Roma and Venezia. Firenze was the second capital city of Italy. The first was Torin...
Now, I have new favorite meal, Farfalline pasta. Actually, I don't know how to cook the real farfalline. I think, it's good t...
sabato 23 giugno 2012
Trees, Bench, and Path (2)
As usual, when I go to the park, I never missed to take a picture of trees, bench and path. I took these pictures in Parco del Valentino....
Cielo su Torino
Turin, there is always a thing which attracts me to record it by taking a picture. This time, I took picture of Turin's sky. Below ...

Summer Holiday
My life in Turin, probably around 3 months ahead. I love this city. It's not too crowded, nor too quiet. I love my neighborhood, close ...
giovedì 21 giugno 2012

Ho stanco
Internship (sometimes we call it Stage) has been started at June 11. First impression, the office is big and spacious. The distance from 1 t...
venerdì 8 giugno 2012

Finally,, today I finished all the exams. And it means, I finished all the courses. haa... I can hardly believe that I've already been ...
sabato 2 giugno 2012
Gyroscope is a sensor which maintain orientation and also measure angular rate. It is based on angular momentum principle. It has two gimba...
Sundanese exists in Pisa
Sundanese is called for language and people from West Java province. Bandung is located there, so I used to talk with Sundanese people. ...

Pancasila - Indonesian Ideology
This morning, I read news from Indonesia in Antara news . Then I watched one of videos. The topic is about Pancasila which is Indonesian Ide...
giovedì 31 maggio 2012

Janji Lulusan Institut Teknologi Bandung
Last night, I talked with my flatmate. We had a chat about our university life. And I said to her, in my university , there is an auditorium...
lunedì 28 maggio 2012
How can the car turn right/left on the curve road?
This term, I learn many applications of control theory, such as Aerospace control, Robotics, and Automotive control. All of them are simila...
lunedì 21 maggio 2012

The Leaning Tower of Pisa - Torre Pendente di Pisa
Hmm... finally I had a chance to see one of the world 7 wonders. The Leaning tower of Pisa. Pisa is located in Tuscany, central Italy....

Ponte Vecchio - Firenze
Last easter holiday, I traveled to Firenze, Pisa, Napoli, and Roma. I know it's been almost 1.5 months after I traveled, but I just ha...
lunedì 14 maggio 2012
See you again...
Today, my flatmate Dewi (but I prefer to call her mba , which means sister in Indonesian), went back to Indonesia. I accompanied her to t...
mercoledì 9 maggio 2012

Get well soon, Mama
Since last week, my mom had a problem with her pelvis. Already went to the neurologist and orthopedist. They gave her pain killer, but my m...
domenica 6 maggio 2012

In Giro per il Mondo - Around the World
I have posted about a kids book which gave me an imagination to see the world, in London - Imagination comes to a reality . I posted ...
giovedì 3 maggio 2012

Love Signal
During the Aerospace class, my best friend Kuti, ask me to make a new blog together. We plan to make a blog about woman engineer's hobb...
mercoledì 2 maggio 2012
Trees, Bench, and Path
I should say, now I like photography as new hobby. Though it's far to be perfect in taking pictures, but I enjoy to shoot objects. The ...
martedì 1 maggio 2012
Tortellini soup - Indonesian taste
Today, I made Tortellini soup. Tortellini is a kind of pasta with spinach and cheese inside. The shape is similar with Indonesian dumpl...
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