Scavi di Ercolano Located in Napoli, Italia. A buried city, along with Pompeii, caused by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius at AD 79....
Museo Automobile
Museo Automobile Torino building The collections range from early ages of cars to future cars of European car manufactures. The bui...
Basilica Superga
Basilica Superga is a church in Superga hill. There is a tomb of Savoia's King inside it. Superga is a famous place to visit in Tu...
Museo Egizio - Egypt Museum
Sphinx Reflection never lies. ciao ciao, -ems-
Fontana di Trevi
The feeling to come back to the good memories, leads us to sacrifice anything.
Roman Forum District
Though you think that you don't have anything left, at last you will find that there is a thing left. You still have a HO...

Ciao, Now, I join Bloglovin. So, Follow my blog with Bloglovin Grazie. ciao ciao, -ems-
Il Colosseo - The Colosseum
Inside Colosseum Once a thing happened, we could not cancel it. That's what we call HISTORY. ciao ciao, -ems-
Full Tram
Full tram to Piazza Vittorio, Torino. They were going to support Italia in Final match of Euro 2012 Supporting means throw...
Centro Pisa
Life is about an option You can choose to walk calmly, while seeing others from behind You can choose to ride a bike, to ...
L'incrocio - The Intersection
L'incrocio,, All of us must ever been in the intersection Many people meet accidentally in the intersection Many di...
Portraits of Florence
Firenze is one of the most visited city in Italy after Roma and Venezia. Firenze was the second capital city of Italy. The first was Torin...
Now, I have new favorite meal, Farfalline pasta. Actually, I don't know how to cook the real farfalline. I think, it's good t...